Nutrition and Biostimulation at the heart of productivity
Agronutrition has developed a soil and foliar range specifically adapted to seed multiplication.
The ANGIO range has been evaluated under seed production conditions.
AngioSTART stimulates the growth and development of plant roots and optimises plants’ natural ability to assimilate and make the most of nutrients. VIGOUR and HOMOGENEITY to ensure a good start to vegetation.
AngioACTIV Complex supports nutrient requirements and optimises photosynthetic energy and hormone metabolism.
AngioGOLD BMo promotes fertilisation by securing pollination.
AngioSTRESS protects against abiotic stress by optimising the efficiency of photosynthesis and water uptake.. Productivity safety.
AngioPROTECT SMn optimises nitrogen efficiency and helps redistribute reserves to the seeds, thereby boosting WHC.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
This formulation makes harvesting easier. AngioSTOP reduces grain loss and limits green waste and moisture in the bins at the time of threshing…
The European Potato Event awaits you on 11 and 12 September 2024 in Villers-Saint-Christophe (Aisne)!
In 2024, France will be hosting this major show dedicated to the potato!
SIVAL trade fair
"The future of plant production starts here" 16-18 January 2024 GRAND PALAIS stand - Alley l-640 - Angers Exhibition Centre Agronutrition was present at Sival Angers (the international show for crop production techniques) on a joint stand with the DE SANGOSSE group. A...
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Parc Activestre
3 avenue de l’Orchidée
31390 CARBONNE France
Tél : (33) 05 61 97 85 00
Groupe de Sangosse
Expertises Agronutrition
Savoir-Faire : physio-efficience TM
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